Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sorry Would-Be Suitors, I Don't Give My Number Out To Just Anyone

If you ever find yourself thinking "Who is that handsome porcelain-white man in cut-off sweatpants with wool socks pulled up as high as they'll go?" you can rest assured it's probably just Nic On His Day Off.  When I don't have anywhere to go or anyone to see or anything to do or anything to think about, I put on my Sunday best and watch reruns of Worst Cooks in America and Sliders while eating with the lights off.  I try to conserve energy, so the heater's off too (hence the wool socks).  Imagine sitting on a hardwood floor in a cold dark room eating some ill-prepared food and drinking instant coffee, watching trash TV. Sound too good to be true?  Well, as the saying goes, "If it sounds too good to be true, it's probably happening to Nic."

Now the ill-prepared food wasn't entirely my fault.  I discovered too late that I didn't have any measuring utensils in my apartment and was unable to leave the apartment to go buy some because of my physical appearance.  So I threw the ingredients together in a somewhat reasonable fashion, making the recipe at least look like I thought it should look.  Then I cooked it just like they do at the restaurant.

This particular dish is called O-konomiyaki, and is sort of like the halfway point between a pancake and an omelette, and it's savory, not sweet.  O-konomi (or sometimes just Konomi) means essentially "whatever you like" and so aside from the eggy-battery base you just add whatever ingredients you want, which usually includes onions, some sort of meat, and cabbage.  It's really quite good at the restaurants.  At a restaurant, it usually looks like this.  I know because not only have I had it at a restaurant, but I stole this image from a restaurant's website.

However, if you make it at home without measuring anything and cook it on too high heat and don't actually have Okonomiyaki Sauce, you'll probably get something that looks like this.

And that probably tastes a little like this.
Don't say I didn't warn you.  Oh wait, I didn't!  Whoops, hoe nobody lost their breakfasts over that one.

Anyway, I said all that to say this: it's raining today, and you know what that means.  I'm stir crazy because I have't left the apartment even once.

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