Monday, March 18, 2013

I Can't Think of a Title Right Now, I Heard Some Thumping Outside

Well I feel obligated to post a picture of the dinner I made tonight because I'm kind of proud and because you need to know that I can cook when I know what I'm doing and what ingredients I'm working with.
That's two small open-faced cheeseburgers with all the toppings and two wedges of tomato, posing coyly in front of a beautiful Owl Trio Sitting Cushion by Well.stone that's leaning against a minimalist wall by Christian Dior.  Plate designer unknown.

It suddenly hit me today that I only have two weeks left working here, then I'm going to spend a week in ORLANDO FLORIDA WOOHOO SPRING BREAK OH-THIRTEEN!  Then I'll come back and work for a couple of months at our sister company which is right next door to our company so I won't have to move to a new apartment or learn another language.  As I thought about this and let it sink in, it came to my attention that essentially the fate of this company and perhaps the world rests on my shoulders.  Our company is evolving like so many Charmeleons who are now Charizards.  And the position I hold in the company was created to be the crux, or Horcrux if you will, that contains a fragment of the soul of the company so that it will never die.  But that makes me both excited and scared.  As they say in my employee handbook, "With great power comes great responsibility".  I have a lot of training to do before I'll be able to represent the company appropriately, like little Anakin circa 32 BBY.

At any rate, it's good to know that your every move is being watched by some Higher Power so that if you do something terribly wrong you get canned.

Ok, I'll admit that it's hard to see the one in the picture with the cars, but I swear it's there.

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